10 summer bucket list ideas for kids. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

10 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids

10 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Kids

How’s summer going for you guys? Summer is always a lot of fun, but we know the days we will need a backup plan for when our kids are bored. It’s better to have a few things prepared just in case those days come up unexpectedly. My 10 summer bucket list ideas for kids will help you get started! 

Some of the ideas can be done at home, so you can still get things done around the house while your kids keep busy! Others are more of a family event where you can create fun family memories together. Having those special times together as a family is what it is all about! 

Bucket List Idea #1: Sidewalk Chalk Art

If you give your kids a container of chalk and a few tools to create amazing masterpieces, they could end up being outside all morning! One of our favorite things to do is to take blue painters tape and tape a design on the sidewalk. Then, you color the different shapes in between the tape. Remove the tape when you’re done and see the art you created! 

Bucket List Idea #2: Gourmet S’mores 

Have a bonfire one night as a family and make some good memories sitting around the campfire. What’s a bonfire without s’mores? And not just any s’mores...I’m talking gourmet. This is where you can get creative and have all the fixings. Peanut butter, Reese’s, Nutella, Vanilla Wafers, and I could go on. 

Just think of how you could dress up a regular s’more with some of your favorite treats. Your kids will love creating something new and find a new favorite way to make s’mores. I know s’mores can be a bit messy, especially for smaller kids. Be sure to have wipes or some kind of cleaning station outside to keep your kids from bringing in the mess. 

Bucket List Idea #3: DIY Craft

There’s so many different kid-friendly crafts on Pinterest your kids could make. Some of our favorites are painting rocks, water coloring, and food art. There’s different activities that work better for certain age groups, so that’s why I kept this one pretty general. But you’d be amazed with the crafts you can create using household items! Plus, it’s always fun to get your kids' imaginations running. 

DIY craft, summer activities for kids. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

Bucket List Idea #4: Lemonade Stand

A lemonade stand is a classic that must live forever! How cute is a kid selling lemonade?! Plus, selling lemonade teaches your kids valuable lessons involving money, math, organization, and people skills. This is a fun hands-on activity your kids will love!

Bucket List Idea #5: Backyard Movie Night

You can create this however it works best for you. A backyard movie night could look like blankets and pillows on the trampoline with your kids piled next to each other watching a movie on a laptop. It could look like projecting a movie onto a bed sheet hoisted between two trees. It could even be going to a nearby drive-in movie theater. Just the fact that your kids are watching a movie outside will be more than exciting for them. 

Bucket List Idea #6: Visit a Museum

What museums are in your area? There’s usually several interesting ones within an hour of you, so this could become a day trip for you and your kids. A museum is such a fun way to keep the learning happening while your kids are out of school. This could easily become a favorite activity for your kids!

Bucket List Idea #7: Water Fight 

Water fight!! These are so fun. You could invest in some water balloons and let your kids have at it. You could also use water shooters or water guns to make it more exciting. You could even mix in the old fashion buckets and sponges for the water fight. Kids don’t really care what they’re using as long as they get wet. This is a great way to keep your kids busy and cool on a warm summer day! 

what to do with your kids this summer, or what they can do on their own. bucket list ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

Bucket List Idea #8: Tie Dye Shirts

Do you remember tie dying shirts when you were a kid? I’m so happy these are still a thing! It’s so fun to see your kids' creativity expand and to see their originality come out in their designs. You only need a few supplies to make this happen too, so it’s a cheaper bucket list item for your kids!

Bucket List Idea #9: Bake a Cake

Baking a cake is such a fun activity for kids! They love pouring in the flour and sugar, attempting to crack the eggs, and of course taste testing. This is another activity that teaches valuable skills for your kids. And, it doesn’t have to be a cake. You can bake any dessert you want! Homemade ice cream would be kind of fun for summer too! 

Bucket List Idea #10: Visit the Splash Pad

What is it about water splashing in your face that sounds so fun to kids? I’m not going to lie, this was pretty exciting for me as a kid too. If you have a splash pad--or something similar--nearby you could easily become your kids favorite from taking them there! It’s relaxing for you because you get to sit and watch while your kids burn out all that energy and make a really great memory. 

fun summer activities for kids. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

I hope these 10 summer bucket list ideas for kids help you fill in some of those slower days for your kids! I know those days where you just want to take it easy, but you’re still a mom who needs to keep kids involved. Having these plans just in case those crazy days happen will help you feel a bit more relaxed. Just as much as we want our kids to have a summer they’ll love, we want to have one we will love too! 

Happy summer!! Let me know what activities your kids end up loving on Instagram @loveoliveco! And if you’re craving a new summer dress, you have to check out these new arrivals! I just had to tell you about it because I know you’ll find one you will love. 

how to keep your kids busy this summer. www.www.loveoliveshop.com
10 summer bucket list ideas for kids. www.www.loveoliveshop.com
what to do with your kids this summer. www.www.loveoliveshop.com