5 Valentine's Day At-Home Date Ideas

5 Valentine's Day At-Home Date Ideas

5 Valentine's Day At-Home Date Ideas

You guys, how is Valentines Day right around the corner?  I cannot even believe it!  Time flies, but I am so excited to have Valentine’s Day this year.  Sometimes in the midst of chaos (insert a global pandemic) it’s easy to put your relationship on the back burner. Which is why I think that Valentine’s Day is actually really great.  It’s a set day to remind you to take time for your relationship and put your significant other first.  Like most holidays over the past year, this year we are going to have to get creative on how to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.  So I decided to put together this fabulous list of 5 Valentine’s Day at-home date ideas!  Each of these ideas can be made as simple or complex as you would like them to be.  My number one rule though, is to make sure that you get a babysitter, so that the night is truly dedicated to just the two of you!  Swap babysitting with another couple, drop them off at your parents, or wait until they are nestled all snug in their beds and do one of these ideas together (no phones allowed)!

at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com


At-home date ideas

Plan a game night

Does anybody else love playing games?  I think that games are such a great way to bond and have some fun!  We love playing games that makes us laugh mixed with some healthy competition.  Each of you pick your favorite game (or two) then surprise each other and play the night away.  A fun game night is bound to provide an unforgettable Valentines Day at-home date. 

Bring the spa to you

Is there anything more relaxing than enjoying the day at the spa?  I think not.  Bring the spa to you this Valentine's Day and enjoy a soothing, relaxing and romantic date with your main squeeze.  Light the candles, turn on the fancy music and enjoy facials, pedicures, massages, etc… The possibilities are endless, and I don’t think that your better half is going to mind a night at the “spa” one bit. 

at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

sweater | jeans | shoes 

Have a PJs and movie night

Are you more of the simple type?  Throw on your favorite pajamas (bonus if you can find matching ones like us), put in your favorite movie and cuddle up for a cozy night together.  After the year that we have all had this would make the ultimate at-home date idea for Valentine's Day this year that requires very little planning. 

Fondue for two

It’s kind of got a ring to it right?  Pull out that fondue fountain you have been storing away for a special occasion and put it to good use!  Do your favorite savory fondue creations for the main course, then break out the chocolate covered pretzels for dessert!  Some other great food choices for dipping in your chocolate fondue are strawberries, bananas, cinnamon bears, graham crackers, blueberries.  Having a wide variety of dippers will just make the experience that much more fun.  You can find some great fondue recipes right HERE

Have a dessert cook-off

Can you tell that food is a vital part of your at home Valentine’s Day date?  But really, food sparks joy and cooking together creates lasting memories.  Cooking together can be a very bonding experience and is ultimately a lot of FUN.  If you and your special someone enjoy a healthy competition, then you would love to have a dessert cook-off!  Have each person find a recipe ahead of time (or if you’re a real professional then you can create your own recipe), set a timer, and get to work creating the recipe.  After your recipes are complete have a taste off to determine who the winner is.  Obviously, the voting could be a little unfair in this situation, but it would provide for a good time and some laughs! 

Happy Valentine’s Day

I hope that this list complete with 5 Valentines Day At-home date ideas can help you and the love of your life have a great evening together full of connection and laughter.  If you need the perfect outfit for your at-home date then check out our new arrivals!  You will be sure to find the perfect outfit for your special night.  Check me out on Instagram, @loveoliveco for more Valentines Day ideas!

at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com


at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com


at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com


at-home valentines day date ideas. www.www.loveoliveshop.com