8 summer family activities on a budget www.www.loveoliveshop.com

8 Summer Family Activities on a Budget

8 Summer Family Activities on a Budget

How’s your summer activities going? Do you have a running list or are you a last minute kinda girl? I know it can be tricky (and sometimes exhausting) having to come up with idea after idea for your kids and family to do in the summer. Especially family activities that don’t require you to spend a lot of money. I came up with these 8 summer family activities on a budget that will help! Check them out and find your favorites.

There’s so many ideas out there that you can do as a family to help keep your kids busy and entertained in the summer when they are at home more. The hard part is having to constantly keep up with finding and planning the activities. Most of these 8 summer family activities on a budget don’t require a lot of planning beforehand, so these are winners for sure!

Summer Activity #1: Farmer’s Market

Going to the farmer’s market is becoming one of our favorite family activities! This is such a good one because you can have fun without spending any money. It’s nice just to walk through the market to see what community members are creating and selling. They sometimes have music playing too and there may even be a few free things to do too! The farmer’s market would be a perfect option if you want a relaxing night for the whole family. 

go to a farmer's market as a family this summer. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

Summer Activity #2: Hike/Nature Walk

We are not a hiking family. We’ve thought about it many times, but maybe we’re more into the idea of being a family who hikes together rather than actually hiking together? Haha. But there are tons of easy hikes that could even end up being a nature walk! You can look up all the hikes near your area and decide what level of difficulty to do as a family. This is an activity that can be free and you get to spend a couple of hours in the sunshine!

Summer Activity #3: Lake Day 

Lake day! This activity requires a bit more prep, but once you’re there and set up in your spot you can make some really good family memories! Make sure to bring tons of snacks, lunches, drinks, sunscreen, etc. to make for a good time. You could even make it a team effort to get everything ready to go by recruiting your kids to load the car and get their things ready. Also, it doesn’t have to be a lake. You could go to a river, pool, or whatever is close by for you!

Summer Activity #4: Backyard Camping 

Backyard camping can be a lot of fun. This is something my kids get super excited about! You can even use it as a bribe for your kids to be good until you set up camp later in the day. This is one of the most ideal summer family activities on a budget because it’s free, you’re outside, and you have the convenience of your home right outside your tent! You could set up flashlights and play card games in your tent or open a laptop and watch a movie under the stars. This could definitely become a magical memory for your family.

Summer Activity #5: Bike Ride

Have you ever seen those families who go on bike rides and they have a little stroller hooked on the back of one of the bikes for their smaller kids? I just die every time! So adorable. So this could work with all ages of kids. You could ride bikes to a park and have a family picnic or just do one big route and head back home. Either way, this is a great way to get outdoors and have quality time as a family.

Spend a day in a lake or visit a new water hole as family this summer! www.www.loveoliveshop.com

Summer Activity #6: Window Shopping 

You know I had to throw in shopping one way or another! I think it’s so fun to walk down a cute little town and browse all the windows and dream up what I would do with the things I see! From clothes, to furniture, to antiques. It’s so fun to imagine what I could create without actually spending a penny. This might not be as fun for some of your kids, so you and your husband could divide and conquer. Your kids might enjoy a little more one-on-one time with you anyway!

Summer Activity #7: Board Games 

What are your family’s favorite board games? Pull out a few, bring out some snacks and enjoy a night of family games. I can’t be the only one who thinks things get a little silly at a family game night! This night is bound to be full of laughter and a little friendly competition. 

Summer Activity #8: Scavenger Hunt 

A scavenger hunt could easily become an activity to remember. They are so creative and exciting for every family member! You will have to make the clues and hide them beforehand, so it will take a bit more time and brain power to create. However, it’s all worth it if you’re creating lasting memories (for free) as a family! 

Find your family favorites this summer without spending any money. www.www.loveoliveshop.com

I hope you enjoy these 8 summer family activities on a budget! If you’re interested in more summer activity ideas you can check out this summer bucket list for kids and tips on camping with kids. Let’s soak up every minute of summer we can! Follow me on Instagram @loveoliveco to get the latest trends so you can look amazing no matter your family activity. 

what to do with your family this summer, free or cheap activities. www.www.loveoliveshop.com
Top 8 ideas for cheap summer family activities. www.www.loveoliveshop.com
Tips for cheap or free family activities in the summer. www.www.loveoliveshop.com